+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de


PURATEK discharge bottoms are suitable for dischar­ging large sludge bunkers.

The discharge bottom consists of screw shafts arranged in parallel rows. This allows a large mate­rial bunker bottom area to be regu­larly discharged and prevents the mate­rial from buil­ding up. PURATEK large bunker discharge bottoms have proved them­selves in dischar­ging non-compacted mate­rials and pasty sludges, such as sewage sludge. The screw shafts are drive-coupled via spur gears. The mate­rial is discharged throug­hout the complete width of the bottom.

After that, the discharged mate­rial is trans­ferred into a rectan­gu­larly arranged conveyor system. The feed bunker can be made of sheet steel with stif­fe­ning profiles. Alter­na­tively, a concrete bunker can be provided locally by the customer.