+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de


Troughed belt conveyors are suitable for trans­porting bulk mate­rials of all kinds. Compared to other conveyor systems, belt conveyors allow high speeds with large volume through­puts due to their mode of operation.

The PURATEK swiveling device enables variable discharge points. Heavy-duty ball race slewing rings and the torsion rigid design, allow the conveyor to canti­lever distance up to 6 m. Optional hydraulic driven height adjus­t­ment, allows adapt­a­tion to the bulk mate­rial pile. With the moto­rized swiveling device, the swivel radial angles of 180/360° can be achieved, which result in a large usable loading area. Fully auto­matic dischar­ging process can be imple­mented by using of echo sounder system for bulk mate­rial pile scan­ning toge­ther with the appro­priate control systems.

PURATEK lift cage allows the belt to be moved in the longi­tu­dinal direc­tion. The rever­sible drive of complete belt and the compact dimen­sions of the lift cage result in a large usable loading area.