+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de

Legal Notice

Site Notice

Infor­ma­tion pursuant to Sect. 5 German Tele­media Act (TMG)

PURATEK Anlagen­technik GmbH
Thölauer Straße 16
95615 Marktredwitz

Commer­cial Register: HRB 2208
Regis­tra­tion court: Hof/Saale

Repre­sented by:
Josef Mayer


Phone: +49 (0) 9231 / 98606–0
Telefax: +49 (0) 9231 / 98606–77
E‑mail: info@puratek.de


Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion number accor­ding to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
DE 167283694

EU dispute resolution

The Euro­pean Commis­sion provides a plat­form for online dispute reso­lu­tion (ODR): https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Our e‑mail address can be found above in the site notice.

Dispute reso­lu­tion procee­dings in front of a consumer arbi­tra­tion board

We are not willing or obliged to parti­ci­pate in dispute reso­lu­tion procee­dings in front of a consumer arbi­tra­tion board.