+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de


PIPE SCREW CONVEYORS with hollow shaft are prefer­ably used for hori­zontal or inclined trans­port of fine-grained dry mate­rials, if neces­sary, with dosing option.

The design of the drive power, the screw speed, the geometry of the welded screw segments in conjunc­tion with the instal­la­tion posi­tio­ning are decisive for the degree of filling of the screw and the conveying capacity.

In case of extra­long conveying distances, a suspended center bearing can stabi­lize the screw shaft which is other­wise supported on both sides.

The inlet and outlet connec­tions are adapted to the preli­mi­na­rily and secon­da­rily arranged units. Support or suspen­sion arran­ge­ments can be provided accor­ding to the local condi­tions. Painted or hot-dip galva­nized steel or stain­less steels are used for the screw housing accor­ding to your specifications.

Our many years of expe­ri­ence with a wide range of instal­la­tion posi­tions and raw mate­rials ensure the best possible func­tional warranty throug­hout your complete system.