+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de


The hars­hest condi­tions, to which PURATEK spiral conveyors are exposed, require a special wear protec­tion of the sliding insert in the conveying trough and often also a wear protec­tion of the conveying spiral. A special wear protec­tion has a signi­fi­cantly higher resis­tance than the synthetic mate­rial usually used for sliding inserts, such as PE1000 or similar.

Chemi­cally aggres­sive, sticky, or extre­mely abra­sive mate­rials to be trans­ported must be given special conside­ra­tion to.

In close coope­ra­tion with a well-known manu­fac­turer of engi­nee­ring plas­tics, the polyurethane-based PURATEK-care® synthetic mate­rial was deve­loped. PURATEK-care® consists of two compon­ents: Diiso­cya­nate (hard compo­nent) and polyol (soft compo­nent). During the reac­tion of the two compon­ents, a number of specific addi­tives are added, resul­ting in the outstan­ding proper­ties of PURATEK-care® wear protection:

  • High resis­tance to abrasion
  • Non-sticky proper­ties
  • Easy to clean
  • Sound insu­la­tion
  • Low specific weight
  • High mecha­nical strength
  • High chemical resistance
  • Good sliding properties

In a compa­ra­tive test with the PURATEK-care® sliding insert, a service life of up to 8 times longer was achieved compared to the conven­tional PE-HD-PE sliding insert mate­rial. The excel­lent chemical resis­tance to the vast majo­rity of subs­tances was proven in the labo­ra­tory of our deve­lo­p­ment partner.

PURATEK-care® does not only provides lasting opera­tional relia­bi­lity for your spiral conveyor, but it is also very economical.

PURATEK-care® is an invest­ment in wear protec­tion with a rapid payback effect. PURATEK-care® can also be retro­fitted without any problems to exis­ting conveyors.