+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de

The PURATEK-line®conveyor design differs signi­fi­cantly from all conven­tional conveyors and allows
the trans­port of bulk mate­rial through a three-dimensional curved path.

The PURATEK-line® can trans­port the mate­rial up in a very inclined way and divert it hori­zon­tally. Instead of using at least 3 convec­tional belt conveyors, only one PURATEK-line® 3D conveyor can be used for the same job saving you a great calcu­la­tion margin in the buil­ding and invest­ment costs. High opera­tional effi­ci­ency and minimal main­ten­ance effort charac­te­rize the conveyor design and operation.


The conveyor belt consists of indi­vi­dual segments (belt segments) which are atta­ched to each other to form a water­tight conveyor track. Form stable struts incor­po­rated in each segment form a durable, but elastic belt troug­hing. The belt moves by rolling of each segment on conveyor guides. Tensile forces are absorbed by a solid chain.

Conveying studs molded into the belt allow the mate­rial to be conveyed in an inclined way up to 45°, which corre­sponds to as twice as the incli­na­tion which a conven­tional flat belt conveyor has. The pre-molded studs are stret­ched as the belt passes over the circu­la­tion station. Dry mate­rial falls from the flat and smooth surface in a natural way; sticky mate­rial can be scraped off the belt with a scraper.

Due to the trough shape of the belt, the mate­rial is guided safely and conta­mi­na­tion is avoided. Access­ories such as drip pans, top belt covers and edge strips are available in hot-dip galva­nized steel or stain­less steel.

Features of the PURATEK-line® conveyor:

  • Vertical, hori­zontal and spiral change of direc­tion along a radius of 2.70 m and 3.60 m

  • Mate­rial can be conveyed at a maximum incli­na­tion of 45°

  • Maximum belt speed of 0.5 m/s

  • Maximum distance between axles of 120 m

  • Belt width 660 mm and 810 mm

  • Maximum conveying capa­city of 100 t/h

  • Also suitable for bulk mate­rials (sludge) with a nearly flowable consistency

  • 180° change of direc­tion possible in narrow spaces

  • Modular design allows for later rear­ran­ge­ment of the line

  • No proble­matic mate­rial transfer points