+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de

We move performance.

Since 1994, PURATEK® Anlagen­technik GmbH have manu­fac­tured equip­ment and compon­ents for the purpose of trans­porting and mixing world-wide. This concerns both muni­cipal and indus­trial ranges of application.

Sewage Treat­ment Plant

An over­view of our products for sewage treat­ment plants


An over­view of our products for the recy­cling technology


An over­view of our products for the industry


An over­view of our services and benefits

For many years PURATEK® have stood for compre­hen­sive, well-conceived and cost-effective solu­tions in the field of trans­port and mixing engineering.

State-of-the-art manu­fac­tu­ring tech­no­lo­gies and know-how combined with many years of inter­na­tional expe­ri­ence enable our staff to be your partner in reali­zing your projects and solving your specific problems.

The areas of exper­tise of consul­ting, plan­ning and proces­sing, sales, cons­truc­tion, manu­fac­tu­ring, assembly alter­na­tives and after-sales service all over the world are united within PURATEK® under one roof.

Our corpo­rate struc­ture and philo­sophy ensure that we will meet your requi­re­ments and demands quickly and competently.

On a floor space of around 4.000 m², we are produ­cing equip­ment of utmost quality meeting the repu­ta­tion of “MADE IN GERMANY”.

PURATEK® — We move and convey!