+49 (0) 9231 / 98606-0 info@puratek.de


With our modern produc­tion faci­li­ties and quali­fied staff, we ensure high manu­fac­tu­ring stan­dards and timely deli­very of top-quality equipment.

As manu­fac­tu­rers and suppliers of many years within the field of the mate­rial hand­ling tech­no­logy, we have taken charge of main­tai­ning expe­ri­ence and values in the long term — over gene­ra­tions. One of these values is a very high product quality which is achieved through the loyalty of our staff and a friendly working atmo­sphere for many years.

In addi­tion, we strive for mini­mi­zing the ecolo­gical foot­print in produc­tion and for redu­cing our CO2 emis­sions. This means that we work in the long-term to opti­mize our produc­tion accor­ding to inter­na­tio­nally reco­gnized stan­dards for envi­ron­mental management.